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Who Are You in Narnia?

December 24, 2020
Who Are You in Narnia

I’ve always wondered when reading passages in the book of Revelation, how it could be that man doesn’t repent after each horrific event that will come upon the world. When in my early twenties I first read that book in the Bible, I couldn’t begin to fathom how that was possible. As I turned the pages, reading chapter after chapter, I was stunned. But living in this present day and seeing the mindset of man, I now know why. We are experiencing a world where it is, as C.S. Lewis wrote “…always winter and never Christmas…”*

In centuries past, when there was any kind of calamity, man would seek God. In the middle of all that is swirling around us today, there are whispers of repentance, but that is not the majority of what I hear. 

C.S. Lewis’s wonderful allegory of the Gospel of Jesus, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, tells of Narnia where Christmas—the Good News of the Gospel—had seemingly been stymied by a white witch (Satan) for years. In the book, Aslan the lion, who represents Jesus, through giving of himself in death and resurrection, defeats the witch, freeing the land from the curse of the never-ending winter.

What speaks to my heart today is that those who lived there had to make a choice. They had to either believe the prophecies of old (the Bible) or be frozen by the lies of the witch (Satan).

So the question is, What do you believe? And where do you stand? What is the true state of your heart?

The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 13:5 (nkjv), “…to examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?…”

May each of us by God’s grace, do that today. 

Heavenly Father, by your Holy Spirit, please show each of us what is in our hearts. If there is doubt or unbelief—anything—that needs to be bubbled to the surface of our hearts to be removed by You as we confess it, please do so. Please grow Your love within us so that the joy of Your Son, Jesus, given to us so long ago, may shine through us, drawing all people to You. May You be glorified. Hallelujah!

In Jesus name, Amen.

Merry Christmas with love,

*Lewis, C. and Baynes, P., 2000. The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. London: Collins, p.100.

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