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The Most Stunning Question

July 29, 2020
Martin and Me

Have you ever thought about the conversation between Jesus and his disciples when He told them to, “Let the children come to Me. And do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14 NKJV)? Can you imagine how stunned his disciples must have been? For not only were all eyes on Jesus for the miracles He was performing, but now He was asking for the smallest of the small, the least important to be ushered to the front of the line.

Can you wrap your brain around the fact that Jesus gave this mind-boggling directive? I don’t believe that anyone today who has even a smidgen of noteworthy clout would begin to think that way.

My grandson, Martin, who just turned two, is keenly aware of sounds that are around him. Whenever we are outside, if he hears anything unexpected,—an airplane, bird, truck, etc.—he will stop and ask, “What’s that noise?” His voice melts the hearts of anyone within earshot, but in addition to his sweetness, what the Lord has had me see is that Martin who is so tender and unjaded, pays attention to what most of us don’t notice or have blocked out. Is that one reason why Jesus says to let the little children come? Is it because the heart of little children, which is soft like that of Martin’s, is the ground that Jesus is looking for in all of us?

This truth began to seep into every part of me, and I began to wonder, Lord, is that me? Do I look for You in everything? Do I hear what You are saying to my heart? 

Or ~

  • Do I miss out on You by drowning out Your voice with the concerns and worries that constantly rattle around in my head? 
  • Do I look for You in the people You send my way or do I ignore those who don’t measure up to my expectations?
  • Do I seek You when reading Your Word? Or do I cycle through segments of Scripture by rote? 
  • Do I see You in Your creation? Or have I forgotten that You did indeed create everything? 
  • Do I look for You, Jesus, with my whole heart? Or am I just giving You pieces, hoping that will do?  
  • Have I become so hardened and cynical by life that I run in the opposite direction instead of coming away with You and sitting at Your feet? 

To every question my answer is yes. I can see myself in every scenario. Trusting in the Lord one minute, I stumble in the next. 

But because of the Lord’s great love, His Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth (see John 16:13) brings to remembrance,

So, when we fall flat on our faces—and we will until we enter Heaven—Jesus is ready to pour His forgiveness and mercy into our brokenness. We just need to run to Him.

Heavenly Father, Your Son, Jesus, lives in my heart, and He is my only hope of glory. Please soften every part of my heart, so He can be more at home there. Thank You, Lord for what You did on the cross. It is because of Your great love that any of us have hope. Please, Lord, shine through me and be glorified. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.


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