Advent Hope Recent Posts

Whispers of Hope

December 10, 2021

Over the past two years, our world has been under a terrible siege. Gripped by what seems to be the constantly changing face of Covid mixed with the incomprehensible lawlessness that is running amuck everywhere, the calm we used to know feels as if it is slipping through helpless fingers. Our hearts, being numbed by the loss of normal, cries out for what once was.

Two thousand years ago the landscape of what was happening when the angels heralded the birth of Jesus was not much different. The Jewish people, living under the ruthless rule of the Romans while trying to survive the stranglehold of their own self-loving Pharisees, had started to feel the same way.

For Israel, it had been about four hundred years since they had heard anything from God. The prophecies of the coming Savior—now far removed by time—felt almost out of reach, causing the Jewish people to feel as if God had forgotten them. Many were beginning to lose faith that the Messiah would ever come.1

But then the star appeared. 
Its glimmer was a gift to all who were looking for the Savior. 
With that star, the whispers of hope—like a faintly flickering flame—were rekindled.

The faith to believe that He will come again now lives within our hearts. 

So as we face this bleak, ever-changing world we live in, look heavenward. Let His Shekinah2 glory shine through you. For ALL that is happening is paving the way for the return of our Savior, King Jesus.

With a triumphant shout, He will bring evil to its knees. All who love Him will stand in awe of His mighty deeds. Tears of rejoicing will stream down our faces. Jesus, on His throne will bring to an end pain, suffering, fear, and death. The memory of such things will be no more. 

So raise your hands high. 
Let joy sing throughout your soul. 
Join the angels in praise 
Jesus is coming again soon!

Looking up,
With love, 

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

“Come, Thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in Thee.

Israel’s strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear Desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a Child, and yet a King,
Born to reign in us forever, 
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.

By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all sufficient merit,
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.”

Wesley, Charles & Pritchard, Roland. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus. Waco: Word Music.

1 Josephus, Flavius & Whiston, William. 2008. The complete works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian. Green Forest: New Leaf Publishing Group.

2 “The word Shekinah is a Hebrew word which means dwelling or settling. In a biblical sense it represents or means the presence of God dwelling or settling over you. In today’s terms, you might even refer to it as the manifest presence of God. Whichever words you use it is a very real experience in the presence of God.”
Haynes, J., 2020. How to Understand the Power of Shekinah Glory in Your Life. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 December 2021].

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  • Anne Severance December 10, 2021 at 3:49 pm

    So beautifully expressed–Hope in the darkness! This post brings tears!