Everyday Life

When Comfort Becomes an Idol

November 20, 2018
When Comfort Becomes an Idol

As a little girl, one of my most comforting memories was reading the Sunday comics when getting home from church. After my brother, Jim, and I finished fighting over who would get the best section—the little or the bigs, as we called it— I would nestle down after a delicious lunch of Sunday sandwiches, to live in the world of Peanuts, Prince Valiant, or BC. For on that day and for that short period of time, my parents would take a hiatus from the busyness of the week with the troubles that were descending on our family and the world seeming to melt away. There was calm. There was peace and in those moments, I felt safe. It’s not too far a stretch to say, I relished that time on Sunday.

As a young mom, I still enjoyed those times after church when getting the kiddos down for a nap, with a cup of coffee and those Sunday funnies in hand, I cozied into what became my safe spot. That was until, the Lord nudged me one day with, “That’s not your comfort.” With an “Okay, Lord,” I substituted the Parade Magazine. When He pricked my heart again, along came the Target ads. Each time, He spoke, “That’s not your comfort,” I would give to Him specifically what He was pointing out, but always, I put something else in its place.

I wish I could tell you I immediately grasped what God was impressing on me, but it was Y-E-A-R-S later that what He was trying to teach me began to take shape in my heart.

He is my comfort.
He is my safe spot.
And finally,

There will be no other idols before Him.

Does that seem like somewhat of a leap?

I always wondered why in Scripture the Lord referred to “other gods”—when we know good and well, there are none—until I read 1 Chronicles 4:26.

“For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols…”

There it is. Like a brick landing on the floor, this truth hit me with a thud.

I had made those things that I looked to for comfort, my gods. They didn’t overtly take precedence over the Lord Jesus, but when I needed to feel the safety of the norm, that’s where I went. Indeed, they are worthless idols.

It’s those things isn’t it? The good things that satisfy and delight, in one instance are blessings, but in the next can be found vying for first place with God.

Where do you turn? What is your go-to? Chocolate? The good-ole days? Another person? A beautiful home? Lots of friends? While all of these things are lovely, they are not eternal.

In Deuteronomy 30:19, Moses exhorts the Israelites to choose God, to choose life for “…He is life itself.”

“…Choose life so that you and your children will live. And love God, your God, listening obediently to him, firmly embracing him. Oh yes, he is life itself, a long life settled on the soil that God, your God, promised to give your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (MSG)

The Lord tells us that what we are looking for, we will find in Him. He is our promised Savior who, at the same time, brings salvation to fruition in our lives. For He is our all-in-all. He IS the Good News. Our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He is our God, our Friend, our Comfort.

We just need to let Him be all that, in and through our lives. We need to let Him love us. For when we do, we will find that His Presence and Peace will bring us to a new place of contentment that is far better than we could ever imagine.

Heavenly Father, please forgive me for not letting You be my all-in-all. Forgive me when I look to the temporary to satisfy instead of turning to you. Lord, I’m like a sheep for most of the time I don’t even realize I am doing that. Please continue to nudge me so that I let go of what doesn’t really matter and grab onto You. Like dough, please knead that into my heart. Please help me to be grateful for the blessings you give, but keep me from making them into idols. In Jesus name. Amen


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