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  • For-We-Who-Are-Left
    Recent Posts

    For We Who Are Left

    It’s happened again. Another dear soul has left this earth leaving us with shoulders drooping in disbelief. Our heads understand with fuzzy remembrance Isaiah 57:1-2, which tells why God sometimes takes away someone at…

    January 15, 2019
  • How to Guard Our Hearts from Hearing Lies
    Everyday Life

    A Heart On Guard

    My husband, Jerry, perhaps because he’s an artist, has vivid dreams almost every single night. He can describe in detail, the color of clothing people are wearing, what their faces look like, and their…

    October 25, 2018
  • When Heartbreak Falls Around You
    Everyday Life

    When Heartbreak Falls Around You

    Lately, what’s been going on in Jerry’s and my life, could be an award-winning, old-time country song. Ranking with the likes of You Picked A Fine Time to Leave Me, Lucille, or Achy, Breaky,…

    May 16, 2018
  • Everyday Life

    Waiting Well, Why is it So Hard To Do?

    I don’t do waiting so well. Waiting for cars to move on down the road. Waiting with expectation for a phone call or response. For me, waiting on just about anything is tough. When…

    November 22, 2017
  • The Tales of the Christmas Stocking
    Everyday Life

    The Tales of the Christmas Stocking… Part 2

    With Christmas pushing through the door, seemingly shoving Thanksgiving aside, a small bit of anxiousness grows as I look at the still unfinished Christmas stocking for my grandson, Henry. When I last posted the…

    November 9, 2017
  • Everyday Life

    Escaping from the Busyness of Life

    Well. Here we are again. Summer is gone and with each falling leaf gently dancing to the ground, the grey, chill days of winter move closer. Already, the rush of Christmas is in the…

    November 2, 2017