Advent Christmas

Looking Toward Advent

November 29, 2017

A little less than a month from now will be the day after Christmas. It’s hard to believe, but the rush will be behind us and the tinsel, paper, and garlands along with this year’s cherished memories stored away. But as we approach this holiday season, filled with the laughter of family and friends, gift giving, and loads of good food, we can also steal away from the hustle and bustle when we observe Advent.

From an outward celebration to silent night introspection, taking part in Advent can become—much like when John the Baptist, in heralding the coming of the Messiah the first time, preached repentance—a time of prayer and of quieting our hearts in preparation for when He comes again. The Lord’s prayer—given to us by Jesus—can do that. Taking us into the Presence of the Lord, the very first words, “Our Father,” brings comfort; the rest of the prayer opening our hearts to receive the precious gifts that come with confession, supplication, and thanksgiving.

So in reverence and love, letting The Lord’s Prayer direct our path, please join me for the next four Sundays as we celebrate this Season of Advent.

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