Everyday Life

Don’t Give Up

June 21, 2016

road trip

Summertime is the time for travel, and good music always makes the road trip better. Whether it’s Classical or Contemporary, Country or Pop, the tunes that rock can make your day. At any given moment, they can lift you to new heights or bring you to tears, make you think, or let you escape what you face in the ordinary of everyday.

We hear bad news all the time, and good news, when it comes, brings to everyone a smile of relief. Whether it’s a heroic deed or a simple kindness, those welcome stories shine daylight into darkness and like shafts of sunlight breaking through clouds, give glimpses of hope.

So it is with this music. I’m past the half-century mark, so anyone might readily assume this style, genre, whatever you would like to call it, would not be my cup of tea, but as strange as it seems, it is. And I l LOVE it!

So on this first day after the summer solstice as you’re be-bopping down the road to work or to play, put this on. It will lighten your load.

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:11 (NLT)

Happy listening,

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