Grace Peace Recent Posts

Are You Listening? Part Two

June 29, 2021
Are You Listening Part 2

If you have lived on this earth for even a short while, you have probably asked, or have been asked the question, “Are you listening to me?” From a child to a parent or a friend to a friend, the truth, that we hear more than we listen, is a place that is all too familiar to most of us. 

Words that we’ve heard time and again—spoken or read—begin to take on the same flavor of elevator music that lulls us to sleep. Deceived into thinking we are tuned in and focused, we rouse only to find that what was said has passed us by. 

Even when it comes to listening to the Lord.

But why? I think it must be that we don’t fully believe in His Lordship, and, because of that, we don’t take Him at His Word truly trusting He will do what He promises. 

Related Post: Are You Listening? Part 1

All of us have read a verse in Scripture and have thought, Wow, that’s beautiful or Wow, that sounds good, but like the rich young ruler who trusted in his riches more than in Jesus and what He told him to do, we really don’t step out in faith and act on it. (See Matthew 19:16-22.)

We want to believe with all of our heart, but—as if we are tangled in a spiritual web we can’t escape—we always come up short. We continue to fall for the lie that we can overcome anything in our own strength. The way out of this whole mess is in surrendering to the Lord.

As humans, surrender brings with it a picture of losing, of walking away defeated with our heads hanging low. When the Lord talks about it, the outcome for us is one of sure victory. As the victor in a battle calls the shots going forward, waving the white flag with God means that He steps in and takes control of our hearts. 

As our eyes are focused on Him—and not on our circumstances—and ears are tuned in and listening, He brings peace that passes our meager understanding. He then turns the deserts we have cultivated—in our feeble attempts to rectify what is wrong in our lives—into a lush oasis brought about by His “grace upon grace,” (John 1:16, esv). That’s what He gives us in surrender. When we take Him at His Word and fall back into His merciful arms, that is when our pride is defeated.

The disciple, James, writes:

“But he continues to pour out more and more grace upon us. For it says, ‘God resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you are humble.’ So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will flee in agony. Move your heart closer and closer to God, and he will come even closer to you [and he will be touching you]. But make sure you cleanse your life, you sinners, and keep your heart pure and stop doubting. Feel the pain of your sin, be sorrowful and weep! … Be willing to be made low before the Lord and he will exalt you!”James 4:6-8,9a,10 (TPT)

Surrender does not happen because we will it to be so. It happens by the Holy Spirit working in us. 

For, it is…”Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.
Zechariah 4:6 (ESV)

“…for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Philippians 2:12-13 (NKJV)

The Good News of the Gospel is so simple. We proud humans make it so hard. Jesus, living in our hearts, is our only hope. In His grace and by the power of His Holy Spirit, abandon yourself to Him. (See Colossians 1:27.)

Dear Heavenly Father, Your love for us is beyond what we can imagine or think. Please cause me, cause us, to stop strong-arming You and truly listen to, and receive, the Good News of Your lavish love and grace found only in Jesus. Thank You, Father. In Jesus name, Amen.


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  • Gretchen Demonbreun June 30, 2021 at 12:09 pm

    Thank you for this, Kim! I love the imagery of the victor and how surrendering doesn’t make us weak when the one we’re surrendering to is the Lord! Amen!