Over a matter of days, the entire landscape of our nation has changed. From doing pretty much anything we wanted day or night, we have suddenly put our lives on hold in the quietness of isolation. No longer going to church with family or grabbing a burger with friends, all that was familiar, all that we knew, has stopped. We find ourselves staring into stunned silence.
When the disciples, scared out of their wits, shook Jesus awake during a storm at sea, His response was, “Where is your faith?” for He was right there with them. And in the storm that is raging worldwide, He is here, never leaving or forsaking us who belong to Him. (See Mark 4:35-41.)
He is…quieting us with His love.
Zephaniah 3:17
My daughter, Laura, sent me this video of Martin, their twenty month old son, singing with her as she tucked him in for the night. The screen is black but his little voice and Laura’s, singing above the darkness, reminds us of a truth all of us can hold onto, and trust in, as we walk through the days ahead. I hope it blesses you as it did me.
In His love,