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    The Importance of God’s Delight

    March 10, 2022
    The Importance of God's Delight

    Several years ago Whirlpool put out a sweet commercial of an overworked mom who keeps responding to her family’s situations or messes with the question of “What/How?” Sometimes, it was a “what” as in, “What’s going on?” or “How did this happen?” but other times, it was the more encouraging words of, “How did it go?” Written between the scenes of the never ending treadmill of her day-in, day-out exhaustion was a deep caring that went beyond words.¹

    As a mom I remember saying much the same words to my now grownup kids. And now, as I watch them lovingly guide and care for their own, I have the privilege of seeing their children’s personalities and giftings take shape under their parents’ watchful eyes. The delight I feel when I see my grandchildren blossom into who they will possibly become fills my heart with such a deep affection that it makes me think I must be catching a glimpse of what our Heavenly Father feels when He delights in us. So I can’t imagine the Lord saying to any of us, For you to be happy and fulfilled, you need to put your nose to the grindstone and find your purpose in life.

    Yet, that is exactly what we do. We wear ourselves out trying to find meaning and true happiness. What we are left with is the ache of a weary heart.

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