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    The Best Habit of All

    July 16, 2021

    I love to walk! Whenever I can, I am ready, tennis shoes on and out the door. Just the thought of it fills me with excitement and joy! Most don’t understand my exhilaration, but it is something that gives me great pleasure. Walking with someone is sheer fun, but when I am by myself, it can be a time where tangled thoughts and burdens are lifted. Especially if my heart is listening to the Lord.

    Since Jerry‘s successful heart surgery and lifestyle changing cardiac-rehab, he has joined me on our gravel driveway four, sometimes five, days a week. In the past, I had to slow down so he could keep pace with me. Now it is delightfully just the opposite. Sometimes I have to do a skippity-hop to stay up with him.

    One morning as we were putting one foot in front of the other, I noticed that to keep from tripping on loose gravel, both Jerry’s head and mine were bent down watching where we stepped. Out of seemingly nowhere, the memory of what my high school ballet teacher used to say came to mind. Keep your shoulders back. And hold your heads high. 

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