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    Romanticizing the Footsteps of Jesus

    September 30, 2022
    Romanticizing the Footsteps of Jesus

    “Righteousness will go before Him, And shall make His footsteps our pathway.”
    -Psalm 85:13, nkjv

    As a Christian I think I have romanticized what it is to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. To be sure, being one with the Lord—as Jesus prayed in John 14–fills us with peace that passes all understanding. But if you think about the places, the circumstances, and the people Jesus met while He was here on earth, it is clear that it was not the rosey path we often envision. 

    The roads were dusty and sometimes dangerous, and the people, hurting with physical and spiritual pain, made Jesus’ heart ache with compassion. Yet even in the face of all this, He was filled with joy. For He was listening closely to and doing the work of His Heavenly Father. 

    Related Post: The Faith of No Matter What

    What if that was us? What if we humans were so close to the Lord—one with Him, as Jesus had prayed—that we too were filled with the Father’s joy? Even when what we were facing was so heart wrenching we thought we would break.

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