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John 12

    Everyday Life

    What About Grace?

    March 17, 2016

    Jesus Preaching on a Hillside

    I think it started even before I had children, when my friend, Alice, who had three teenage children of her own, told me all she wanted for them was to raise them to be nice people. She wasn’t aiming them for success as a doctor, lawyer, or Indian Chief—as the singsong jump rope rhyme from childhood went—but what she really wanted was for them to be kind, caring, and responsible adults. Tucking that away because what she said resonated deeply within, and pulling it up to think on it a time or two when my own were toddlers, then tweens, I began to form in my mind what it was that I wanted for my children. Success in terms of financial wealth or status took more and more of a backseat and like my friend, Alice, what became “front and center” for me was for them to be caring and loving. Going one step further though, I wanted them to be Godly people.   

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