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    Everyday Life

    What God Can Do With the Impossible

    July 11, 2018
    What God Can Do With the Impossible

    I have a sweet, jolly friend from Massachusetts who always has some expression that just makes me guffaw in laughter. One, that has something to do with your hair standing on end while running down the road, is so comical, every time she says it, I find myself laughing so hard, I am practically rolling on the floor.

    Macaulay Culkin ScreamTo this day, I’m not sure of her exact meaning, but when I think of it, in my mind, I see Macaulay Culkin in the movie, Home Alone, running through his house, arms raised high, yelling at the top of his lungs. (For some strange reason, that gives me a good chuckle, too.)

    I don’t know if any of you remember Jane Fonda workout videos, but it would always start with something like, Stand up straight. Tighten your abs. Tuck your bottom under. Remember to breathe. Now, RELAX and SMILE!!! With gritted teeth and a grin that would scare anyone—I would begin. It was sheer torture.

    Truth be told, deep in my heart, that’s the way I sometimes feel when I read from the Bible to be obedient: seek God with your whole heart, ask for wisdom, and humble yourself.

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