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    Everyday Life

    Tackling Life Alone? Why It’s Time to Stop.

    November 8, 2018
    Tackling Life Alone? Why it's time to stop

    “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” -Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT

    A few months ago, Jerry and I embarked on a journey of opening our former home to missionaries. How that happened is in the details. Suffice it to say, among the struggles of letting God take from our hands the reins of control of the beautiful property we so dearly loved to call our own, and instead, making us stewards of what was His all along, we have begun to walk down the road of what it means to be hospitable.

    I love and take delight in offering the best I can to all who come to stay with us. But when the reality of crawling into bed, bone-tired at 7pm on a Friday night because I have once again Spring-cleaned our entire property between one group leaving and the next arriving four days later, the joy of serving began to exit my heart. The glamour I had subconsciously attached to washing another’s feet was crumbling in the wake of reality.

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