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  • When God Calls You to Wait
    Faith Surrender

    When God Calls You to Wait

    My daughter purchased for her children clocks to help them keep track of what matters most in their young lives. Seeing that they are three and five years old respectively, those time-keeping machines are…

    September 23, 2021
  • Faith Recent Posts Surrender

    Look to Jesus

    I don’t know if you have had the opportunity to watch The Chosen, but if you haven’t, please try to tune in. It has deeply touched my heart as it tells not only of…

    August 26, 2021
  • Faith Recent Posts

    Walking in Elegance

    When texting back-and-forth with my daughter recently, she sent a text that was either auto corrected, or Siri enhanced. It said, “You don’t need to wait until we leave. You can come with elegance.“…

    October 8, 2020
  • Woman Holding Bible: Do We Really Believe?
    Faith Recent Posts

    Do We Really Believe?

    Bob, a friend of Jerry’s, went to be with the Lord a few years ago. When Jerry and Bob first met at a conference where Bob was speaking, Bob, in his forties, was only…

    May 20, 2020