Growing up during the Great Depression and living through World War II, my mom’s makeup was one of steel. I don’t think she qualified as a Steel Magnolia from the South like those women…
We live in a messaging world. Whether it’s on Facebook, iMessaging, texting, or emails, I would guess that most of us communicate far more often with the written word than ever with a phone…
Living in Middle Tennessee, I have had to come to grips that I live in Bermuda Grass Country. Some may think this a blessing because of its high tolerance to heat and drought and…
A week ago Monday, severe thunderstorms, wind, hail, and a moderate possibility for tornadoes were predicted for our area. Schools closed early and even storm shelters were opened in preparation for what could lie…
Have you ever read something or heard something, so many times, that like elevator music it washes over your consciousness without you ever being aware it was there to begin with? That happens to…
Last month—it’s hard to believe February is past and we have already stepped into March—we were leading our Youth Group at church through our Month of Love series. Now, even though that title sounds…
Until now, I have never lived in one place for too long. My daddy, before he retired from the Air Force and my late husband’s profession caused us to relocate, time and again, every…
I had to laugh out loud the other morning while reading Scripture from my daily devotional. The disciples had just witnessed Jesus turning seven loaves of bread and a few small fishes into enough…
When my daughter, Laura, was a little girl, she, like all kids her age, tried different sports to find which was her true fit. First, she went out for baseball. That wasn’t a match…
Over the past two months, my granddaughter, Lucy, who has loved music almost from the day she was born, has fallen in love with the 2017 Beauty and the Beast movie. Asking to watch…